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Thread Vein Treatment



1 hour



1-4 treatments, 4-8 weeks apart, permanent results



1-2 weeks,

back to work in 24 hours



24 - 72 hours


From £100

per treatment



What are thread (spider) veins?

Sclerotherapy is an injectable treatment used to remove thread (spider) veins on the legs. Thread veins, also known as spider veins, usually lie near the skin's surface. Typically they appear red, blue or purple in colour and as such, people often wish to have them eliminated. Veins up to 4mm in diameter can be treated, however varicose veins (lumpy, wriggly veins) or facial veins are unsuitable for treatment. 

What is sclerotherapy?

Sclerotherapy is an injectable treatment which eliminates thread veins from skin. This can be used on leg veins only. The procedure involves a relatively painless injection of a liquid called sclerosant into the thread veins themselves. This causes them to become inflamed, swell and stick together, causing them to eventually fade away. 

What are the side effects / risks?

Although the procedure is relatively painless, you may feel a warm itching sensation for a few hours afterwards. There may be some mild swelling and bruising of the treated areas also. As with many aesthetic treatments, there is a potential risk of a serious allergic reaction to the product. Rarely, you may experience brown discolouration of the skin following treatment which can take up to 18 months to fade.

How many treatments do i need?

This is dependent on the extent of the thread veins requiring treatment, however typically between 1 and 4 sessions may be required. This will be discussed at your initial consultation and a treatment plan put together. 

When will i see the results?

Results take several weeks to develop as the thread veins begin to close after the inflammation has subsides. Occasionally, it may take a few months for the thread veins to completely fade. 

What aftercare is needed?

After your treatment, wear compression stockings/tights day and night for 72 hours. Thereafter, wear these during the day for 7 days and take them off at night. After these 7 days, where them as often as you can, for as long as you can. Avoid extremes of temperature (saunas, hot baths etc), high impact exercise for 2 weeks. Avoid excess sun exposure and waxing for 4 weeks. Elevate your legs as often as possible for the first 2 weeks, when you are seated. Do not be alarmed if the veins initially look worse, this is normal. Wearing compression garments / supportive hosiery in the long-term can help minimise thread vein recurrence.  ​

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